How to Determine Message Status Text


When displaying Delivered / Read status text on a Message, there are a few different fields which help to manage this:

  • message.statusesPerRecipient: This is a list of MessageStatusPerRecipient objects. Each one contains an intended recipient of the message and also their individual message status.

  • message.shouldEnsureRecipientStatus: If true, the message.statusesPerRecipient information might not yet be fully populated for every member of the conversation.

P2P Conversations

If message.shouldEnsureRecipientStatus is true, and this is a P2P conversation, message statuses should be ensured (that is, downloaded only if they are missing), using client.messages.ensureRecipientStatus().

This check should be made whenever the message content is about to be displayed on screen.

When this check is complete, message.statusesPerRecipient[0].status will contain the status text:

// Arguments: client, message
const { statusesPerRecipient } = message;
const { MessageRecipientStatus } = client.enums;
const initialStatus = statusesPerRecipient.length > 0 ?
statusesPerRecipient[0].status : null;
let displayLabel = '';
if (initialStatus === MessageRecipientStatus.NEW) {
displayLabel = 'Sent';
} else if (initialStatus === MessageRecipientStatus.DELIVERED) {
displayLabel = 'Delivered';
} else if (initialStatus === MessageRecipientStatus.READ) {
displayLabel = 'Read';
// displayLabel is ready to render

NA (which should usually be displayed as empty string), NEW (which usually should be displayed as Sent), DELIVERED, or READ.

Group Conversations

If this is a group conversation, you should call client.messages.findRecipientStatus() 100% of the time upon render/update of the message content. Do this instead of checking message.shouldEnsureRecipientStatus.

The reason this is currently required is that we do not guarantee that every member of a conversation is notified when another member reads a message due to concerns about traffic volume.

When this check is complete, you will need to write further code like the following, in order to display a single representative message status for the message:

// Arguments: client, message, group
const { statusesPerRecipient } = message;
const { MessageRecipientStatus } = client.enums;
let readCount = 0;
let sentCount = 0;
if (statusesPerRecipient && group && group.memberIds) {
for (const { status, userId } of statusesPerRecipient) {
if (!group.memberIds.includes(userId)) continue;
if (status === MessageRecipientStatus.READ) readCount++;
const displayLabel = readCount === 0 ?
'Sent' :
`${readCount}/${sentCount} Read`;
// displayLabel is ready to render