How to Install the iOS SDK

The TigerConnect iOS SDK can be installed directly into your application via CocoaPods which is our recommended path. CocoaPods provides a simple, versioned dependency management system that automates the tedious and error-prone aspects of manually configuring libraries and frameworks.

  iOS SDK Requirements

The following are requirements for the TigerConnect iOS SDK:



You can add TigerConnect iOS SDK to your project via CocoaPods by doing the following:

$ sudo gem install cocoapods
$ pod setup

Now create a Podfile in the root of your project directory and add the following:

pod "TigerConnect"

Complete the installation by executing:

$ pod install


Import the the TTKit library header in your AppDelegate.m.

#import <TTKit/TTKit.h>

Then initialize the SDK in your AppDelegate's application.

TTKitConfiguration *ttKitCongif = [[TTKitConfiguration alloc] init];
ttKitCongif.agentName = "your_tigertext_agent";
ttKitCongif.environment = TTKitEnvironmentProduction;
[[TTKit sharedInstance] initializeWithConfiguration:ttKitCongif];

You can validate TTKit is connected using the following command.

[[TTKit sharedInstance] isUserConnected]

iOS 9 Differences

  If you install on iOS 9 you need to this to your plist file:


Writing a Swift Application

  TTKit is an ObjC library

If you wish to run it in a swift project you will need to create a bridging header and add it to your build settings under Swift Compiler - Code Generation. Please add to the bridging header - more details provided on Apple's developer documentation.