
This method sends a message to a Conversation.


conversationId: string,
body: string,
options?: object


conversationId?stringID of the conversation of this message
bodystringThe message body
options?objectOptions (described below)


attachmentFileObjectA single message attachment
attachmentFiles?Array<string|Object>A list of message attachments. Currently only a single attachment is supported.
avatarFileFileWhen sending a message involves creating a group, the avatar of that group
deleteOnRead?booleanIndicates whether message should be deleted after reading (default: false)
description?stringWhen sending a message involves creating a group, the description of that group
escalate?booleanIndicates whether message is escalated
groupMetadata?ObjectWhen sending a message involves creating a group, the metadata to supply for that group
groupName?ObjectWhen sending a message involves creating a group, the name of that group
metadata?Array<Object>|?ObjectAn array (or single object) of message metadata objects of extra information about the message.
organizationId?stringWhen sending a message to a user or role, which organization should have this conversation
priority?stringMessage priority. Values: NORMAL (default), HIGH
senderId?stringID of message sender (defaults to current user)
ttl?numberTime to live in minutes. Organization settings might override this ttl.


An error will be thrown if any of the arguments are invalid.

Otherwise, once the returned Promise is resolved, you will have access to the newly created Message.


const message = await client.messages.sendToConversation(
"test message",
console.log("sent new message:", message.body);