How to Send Messages

There are several methods to send a message, depending on who the recipient is. Each method gets the recipient, a body and an options object.

The options object (described below) contains specific options for the method, such as group name when sending to a new group, and some generic ones:

Common Message Options

attachmentFileObjectA single message attachment
attachmentFiles?Array<string|Object>A list of message attachments. Currently only a single attachment is supported.
avatarFileFileWhen sending a message involves creating a group, the avatar of that group
deleteOnRead?booleanIndicates whether message should be deleted after reading (default: false)
description?stringWhen sending a message involves creating a group, the description of that group
escalate?booleanIndicates whether message is escalated
groupMetadata?ObjectWhen sending a message involves creating a group, the metadata to supply for that group
groupName?ObjectWhen sending a message involves creating a group, the name of that group
metadata?Array<Object>|?ObjectAn array (or single object) of message metadata objects of extra information about the message.
organizationId?stringWhen sending a message to a user or role, which organization should have this conversation
priority?stringMessage priority. Values: NORMAL (default), HIGH
senderId?stringID of message sender (defaults to current user)
ttl?numberTime to live in minutes. Organization settings might override this ttl.