Group Model

A group or forum.


avatarUrl?stringFull URL of group picture
conversationConversationThe conversation of the group. Can be only one.
conversationIdstringID of conversation
createdAtDateDate and time of creation
createdByUserUserDate and time of creation
description?stringGroup description
displayNamestringSame as name
groupType?stringGROUP, FORUM
hasCurrentUserbooleanWhether the current user belongs to this group or forum
isPublicbooleanWhether the group or forum is public (usually forums are, and groups are not)
memberCountintNumber of members
memberIdsstring[]IDs of members
membersUser[]List of users in this group; not fetched by default on forums
metadataMetadataDictionary object of custom key-value pairs
namestringGroup name
organizationOrganizationOrganization where this conversation takes place
organizationIdstringID of organization