Organization Model

An organization.


allowPriorityMessagebooleanWhether priority messages are allowed to be sent
autoLogoutMinutesnumberMinutes of inactivity allowed before users of this organization should be logged out by the UI code
conversationsConversation[]List of active conversations in the org for the logged in user
displayNamestringOrganization's display name
forumsEnabledbooleanWhether forums are allowed
isContactsbooleanWhether this is the special "Contacts" organization
isForwardAllowedbooleanWhether messages may be forwarded to another party
isPatientNetworkEnabledbooleanWhether patient messaging is enabled in this organization
memberCountintNumber of members
messageTimeToLivenumberLifespan of messages sent in this organization, in minutes
unreadCountnumberNumber of unread messages in the entire organization
unreadPriorityCountnumberNumber of unread priority messages in the entire organization