TTEHREvent Class Reference

Inherits from NSManagedObject
Declared in TTEHREvent.h


An Electronic Health Record message used by Care Teams to communicate patient’s current condition (such as location, admit reason, admit time, etc).


NSDictionary containing information about what to display in the EHR event message. @discussion data[@"components"] is a NSArray of NSDictionaries that contain components of the EHR event message. Each component dictionary should have “type” as a key to indicate what type of content to display. Possible values for componentDictionary["type"]: “nurse_header”, “text_view”, “bold_text_view”, “completed_item”, “ehr_action_item”, “ehr_bold_text_view”, “ehr_header_generic”, “ehr_text_view”, “table_item”, “escalate_header”, “two_button_view”, “role_info”, “button_view”

@property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSObject *data


Component dictionary will also contain information about the configuration of the views.

Declared In



Token of the organization in which the EHR event exists.

@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSString *organizationToken

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If type is equal to kTTKitFeatureServicePatientCareKey, then the associated message’s type is set to TTMessageTypePatientCare

@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSString *type

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The message that contains this EHR event.

@property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) TTMessage *message

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A set of lab result measurements.

@property (nullable, nonatomic, retain) NSSet<TTEHRMeasurement*> *ehrMeasurements

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